While our “leaders” try to sort out a government my thoughts turn, as always, to food. And decluttering.
Sorting a shelf the other day I came across an old card index with some recipes from pre-raw days. One of these cards contained the details of Munkazina salad. It sounded interesting so I gave it a go. As usual I didn’t have all the specified ingredients so modified it as I went along.This is what I ended up with.
I started well with a base of thinly sliced oranges followed by sliced red onion. The recipe then called for paprika which, having none, I ignored. Instead I sprinkled some golden linseed over the oranges to provide interest. The garnish was supposed to be horseradish but I used lambs’ ear lettuce.
The dressing was more interesting. I had no details written down so decided to follow the general principle that the dish should contain the colour orange. So I put a generous handful of pinenuts into the blender with the juice of half a lemon. Then some grated carrot for the colour and some water and olive oil to get the required consistency.
The result was a satisfying starter. Definitely something I will repeat in the future.
So, a year on, and how have you done?